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Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

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I aim to design inspiring, educational resources to appeal to students and teachers alike. If you buy a resource and are happy with it - leave a review and get a resource of your choice for free! Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and your chosen free resource (up to the value of your purchased resource).




I aim to design inspiring, educational resources to appeal to students and teachers alike. If you buy a resource and are happy with it - leave a review and get a resource of your choice for free! Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and your chosen free resource (up to the value of your purchased resource).
Easter Around The World

Easter Around The World

This resource contains three, fully editable and informative 50+ slide PowerPoint presentations on Easter celebrations, customs and traditions in 18 different countries around the world. Easter Around The World 1 The PowerPoint focuses on the following countries: Ethiopia: Easter meal, Easter services, White Clothing Germany: Decorating trees and branches, Passion Play, Easter Rabbit, Passion Play Italy: Pope's Easter Mass in Saint Peter's Square Cyprus: Easter services, decorated candles, fires and bonfires Israel: The Via Dolorosa, the Palm Sunday procession, lighting of the 'Holy Fire' in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre Easter Around The World 2 This PowerPoint focuses on: Brazil: The Mardi Gras, Easter symbol - macela flower Mexico: 'Pascua', woven plams, bonfires, passion plays - Iztapalapa Spain: 'Dance of Death' in Gerona, tronos, the nazareno, 'La Mona' cake, torrijas Sardinia: Procession of Sorrowful Mysteries Sweden: The Easter Wizard USA: The Whitehouse egg roll, the Easter Bonnet Parades Easter Around The World 3 PowerPoint 3 includes: France: 'Cloche Volant’ ( Flying Bells), chocolate fish, 'Poisson d'Avril' 'Osterlammele' (lamb-shaped biscuits) Lithuania: spring cleaning,' verbos', the 'Easter Granny’ (Velykų Senelė), sharing of hard-boiled egg custom, egg rolling game Norway: Korsvandring (Cross Wandering), the ‘Riddu Riđđu’ Sami culture festival Bermuda: Kite Flying Festival East Coast Blues and Roots Music Festival, Gospel Music Festival South American egg game - 'Cascarones' All three PowerPoints contain video links to some of the traditions and festivals that take place in each country. These resources will help to develop the pupils' 'Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural learning (SMSC) and to actively promote the British Values of mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Please note, the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. More Easter Resources
English Functional Skills - Entry Level 1 Spelling Bundle

English Functional Skills - Entry Level 1 Spelling Bundle

4 Resources
This bundle of spelling resources has been designed for students working towards English Functional Skills Entry Level 1 accreditation (AQA, OCR. Pearson Edexcel, City and Guilds, NCFE). The bundle includes a 200-slide PowerPoint lesson, a spelling practise workbook, a spelling workbook and spelling tests. All the resources focus on the words specified by the DfE in the Entry 1 word lists in Appendix 2 of the Functional Skills Entry Level 1 English specification. PowerPoint Lesson The fully editable, 200-slide PowerPoint lesson is ideal for introducing the spelling component of the specification and for revision purposes. It includes tips and advice on learning to spell words and provides many opportunities for pupils to practise and improve their spelling. Spelling Workbook The workbook contains 22 information pages, 36 worksheets and a progress test. It is available in both PDF format and an editable PowerPoint version. The workbook can be used for classwork, homework or as an independent learning pack. Spelling Practise Workbook This is a 24-page spelling practise workbook. Tasks include practising spelling the words using the look, say, cover, write method: inserting the correct word into a sentence and composing simple sentences using words in the list. The resource also contains a checklist for recording students’ ability to read and spell all of the words. It is an ideal resource for homework. Spelling Tests The functional skills spelling tests contain all the words that students are expected to both read and spell correctly. The resource contains a teacher book, student spelling test booklet and spelling checklists. If you buy these resources and are pleased with your purchase, I would be grateful if you could leave a review of them. In return, you can have a free resource up to the value of your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. You may also be interested in: Entry Level 1 Functional Skills English Resources Entry Level 2 Functional Skills English Resources Entry Level 3 Functional Skills English Resources Level 1 Functional Skills English Resources Entry Level Maths Resources
Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 2 - Addition - PowerPoint Lesson and Work

Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 2 - Addition - PowerPoint Lesson and Work

This resource has been designed for students working towards Functional Skills Maths qualifications at Entry Level 2 (Edexcel-Pearson, NCFE, City and Guilds, AQA, Highfield Qualifications, NOCN, Open Awards). It contains an age-appropriate, editable, 50-slide Powerpoint lesson and a 28-page workbook on addition - add two-digit numbers. Powerpoint Lesson The PowerPoint clearly explains how to add together two-digit numbers with and without exchange. It provides many opportunities for pupils to practise the skill. The PowerPoint also contains a number of real-life word problems where pupils are required to use addition to solve them. It is ideal to introduce the addition component of the specification and for revision purposes. Workbook The workbook contains 6 information pages, 19 worksheets, a progress check and a certificate of achievement. The workbook will help pupils to achieve these outcomes: add two-digit numbers use addition to solve real-life problems The resource is provided in both PDF format and an editable PowerPoint version to enable editing of the resourc. It is ideal for classwork, homework, revision or as an independent learning pack. Please note, the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource up to the same value of your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. You may also be interested in: Entry Level 1 Maths Bundle Entry Level 2 Maths Bundle Entry Level 3 Maths Bundle Level 1 Maths - Numbers and The Number System Bundle Level 1 Maths- Measures, Shape, Space Bundle Level 1 Maths- Handling Information and Data Bundle Entry Level English Resources
Decimals PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook - Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 3

Decimals PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook - Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 3

These resources have been designed for students working towards Functional Skills Maths qualifications at Entry Level 3 (Edexcel-Pearson, NCFE, City and Guilds and Open Awards). It contains an age-appropriate, 64-page workbook and a 190-slide PowerPoint lesson on decimals - Outcomes 8 and 9: Read, write and use decimals up to two decimal places and recognise and continue sequences that involve decimals. These resources will help pupils to achieve these outcomes: read, write and use decimals up to two decimal places recognise and continue sequences that involve decimals use decimals to solve real-life word problems. Tasks include: comparing and ordering decimals rounding numbers to two decimal places recognising and continuing decimal sequences adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals using decimals with money and measurement solving decimal word problems PowerPoint Lesson The PowerPoint is ideal for introducing the decimal component of the Entry Level 3 specification and for revision purposes. Many opportunities are provided within the PowerPoint for pupils to practise and develop their skills in using decimals. Workbook The 64-page workbook contains 26 explanation pages, 37 worksheets (with answers), 2 progress checks and a certificate of achievement. The resource is available in PDF and an editable PowerPoint version to enable personalisation and editing of the resource. The workbook can be used for classwork, homework, revision or as an independent learning pack. You may also be interested in: Level 1 - Numbers and The Number System Bundle Level 1 - Measures, Shape, Space Bundle Level 1 - Handling Information and Data Bundle Entry Level 3 Bundle Entry Level 2 Bundle Entry Level 1 Bundle Entry Level English Resources
Addition - PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook - Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 3

Addition - PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook - Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 3

These resources have been designed for students working towards Functional Skills Maths qualifications at Entry Level 3(Edexcel-Pearson, NCFE, City and Guilds and Open Awards). It contains an age-appropriate, editable, 80-slide PowerPoint lesson and a 23-page workbook on Outcome 2: add 3-digit numbers. These resources will help pupils to achieve these outcomes: add three-digit numbers - with and without calculator use addition to solve real-life number problems Workbook This 23-page workbook contains 7 information pages, 16 worksheets (with answers), 2 progress checks and a certificate of achievement. It is provided in PDF and an editable PowerPoint version. The workbook can be used for classwork, homework, revision or as an independent learning pack. PowerPoint Lesson The editable PowerPoint lesson clearly explains how to add together 3-digit numbers with and without regrouping and on a calculator. It provides many opportunities for pupils to practise these skills. The PowerPoint also contains real-life number problems where pupils are required to use addition to solve them. The PowerPoint includes links to several videos on addition and example addition exam questions. It is an ideal for introducing the addition component of the specification and for revision purposes. If you buy this resource and are happy with it. I would be grateful if you could leave a review. In return, you can have a free resource up to the value of your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. You may also be interested in: Level 1 - Numbers and The Number System Bundle Level 1 - Measures, Shape, Space Bundle Level 1 - Handling Information and Data Bundle Entry Level 3 Bundle Entry Level 2 Bundle Entry Level 1 Bundle Entry Level English Resources
Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 2 - Decimals

Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 2 - Decimals

This resource has been designed for students working towards Functional Skills Maths qualifications at Entry Level 2 (Edexcel-Pearson, NCFE, City and Guilds and Open Awards). It contains an age-appropriate, 100+ slide PowerPoint lesson and a 37-page workbook on decimals -Outcome 11: Read, write and use decimals to one decimal place. The resources will help pupils to achieve these outcomes: read, write and use decimals to one decimal place use decimals to one place to solve real-life word problems PowerPoint Lesson The PowerPoint includes explanations, tasks and activities to help pupils to achieve the above outcomes. Many opportunities are provided within the PowerPoint for pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of decimals and to apply this knowledge to solving real-life word problems. It is ideal for introducing the fraction component of the Entry Level 2 specification and for revision purposes. Workbook The 37-page workbook contains 10 information pages, 24 worksheets (with answers), 2 progress checks and a certificate of achievement. The resource is available in PDF and an editable PowerPoint version to enable personalisation of the resource. It can be used for classwork, homework, revision or as an independent learning pack. Please note, the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be very grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. You may also be interested in: Level 1 Maths Functional Skills - Using Numbers and The Number System 10 PowerPoint Lessons and 10 Workbooks Bundle Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 3 Bundle Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 2 Bundle Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 1 Bundle More Level 1 Functional Skills Maths Resources Entry Level English Resources
Length PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook -Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 3

Length PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook -Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 3

This resource has been designed for students working towards Functional Skills Maths qualifications at Entry Level 3 (Edexcel-Pearson, NCFE, City and Guilds and Open Awards). It contains an age appropriate, 36-page workbook and a 125-slide Powerpoint lesson on length. These resources will help pupils to achieve these outcomes: use and compare metric measures of length including millimetres, centimetres metres, kilometres use knowledge of measurement of length to solve real-life problems PowerPoint Many opportunities are provided within the PowerPoint for pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of measure and to apply this knowledge to solve real-life problems. The PowerPoint contains links to several videos on length and length exam questions. It is ideal for introducing pupils to the length component of the specification and for revision purposes. Workbook This 36-page workbook contains 11 information pages, 22 worksheets (with answers), 2 progress checks and a certificate of achievement. The resource is available in PDF and an editable PowerPoint version to enable personalisation and editing of the workbook. It can be used for classwork, homework, revision or as an independent learning pack. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource up to the same value of your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like. You may also be interested in: Level 1 - Numbers and The Number System Bundle Level 1 - Measures, Shape, Space Bundle Level 1 - Handling Information and Data Bundle Entry Level 3 Bundle Entry Level 2 Bundle Entry Level 1 Bundle Entry Level English Resources
Functional Skills English Entry Level 2 Workbooks Bundle

Functional Skills English Entry Level 2 Workbooks Bundle

14 Resources
This resource has been designed for students working towards Entry Level 2 Functional Skills English certification (Edexcel-Pearson, NCFE, City and Guilds, NOCN and Open Awards). It contains age-appropriate, materials and resources to deliver the reading, writing, spelling and speaking and listening components of English Functional Skills. The workbooks are provided in PDF format and editable PowerPoint versions to enable editing and personalisation of the resources.They can be used for classwork, homework, revision or as an independent learning pack. The bundle contains thirteen workbooks. Entry Level 2 Reading Workbook Entry Level 2 Writing Workbook Entry Level 2 Adjectives Workbook Entry Level 2 Plurals Workbook Entry Level 2 Conjunctions and Compound Workbook Entry Level 2 Punctuation Workbook Entry Level 2 Alphabetical Order Workbook Entry Level 2 Spelling Practice Workbook Entry Level 2 Spelling Workbook Entry Level 2 Spelling Tests Booklet Entry Level 2 Form Filling Workbook Entry Level 2 Words Ending in -tion Workbook Entry Level 2 Using a Dictionary Workbook Entry Level 2 Speaking and Listening Booklet Click on the individual links for further details. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.* You may also be interested in these bundles which contain resources that cover all of the learning outcomes at each level: Entry Level 1 Functional Skills English Resources Entry Level 2 Functional Skills English Resources Entry Level 3 Functional Skills English Resources Level 1 Functional Skills English Resources Entry Level Maths Resources
Entry Level English Functional Skills Spelling

Entry Level English Functional Skills Spelling

6 Resources
This resource contains three spelling practice workbooks and three spelling test booklets for students working towards English Functional Skills Entry Level 1-3 accreditation (AQA, OCR. Pearson Edexcel, City and Guilds, NCFE). The workbooks and tests contain all the words that students are expected to both read and spell correctly. The spellings have been compiled from the Entry Level 1, 2 and 3 word lists specified by DfE and provided in Appendix 2 of the Functional Skills Entry Level English Qualification and Assessment Specification. Workbook tasks include practising spelling the words using the look, say, cover, write method: and inserting the correct word into a sentence using words in the list. The resource also contains a checklist for recording students’ ability to read and spell all of the words. It is an ideal resource for homework. The spelling tests are delivered in the format used by accreditation boards and accompany the worksheets. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. ou may also be interested in these bundles which contain resources that cover all of the learning outcomes at each level: Entry Level 1 Functional Skills English Resources Entry Level 2 Functional Skills English Resources Entry Level 3 Functional Skills English Resources Level 1 Functional Skills English Resources Entry Level Maths Resources
Entry Level English Functional Skills Spellings

Entry Level English Functional Skills Spellings

3 Resources
This resource contains three spelling practice workbooks for students working towards English Functional Skills Entry Levels 1- 3 accreditation (AQA, OCR. Pearson Edexcel, City and Guilds, NCFE). The workbooks contain all the words that students are expected to both read and spell correctly. The spellings have been compiled from the Entry Levl 1. 2 and 3 word lists specified by DfE and provided in Appendix 2 of the Functional Skills Entry Level English Qualification and Assessment Specification. Tasks include practising spelling the words using the look, say, cover, write method: inserting the correct word into a sentence using words in the list. The resource also contains a checklist for recording students’ ability to read and spell all of the words. They are ideal resources for homework. Please click on the individual links for more details. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. You may also be interested in: English Functional Skills - Entry Level 1 - Spelling Tests English Functional Skills - Entry Level 2 - Spelling Tests English Functional Skills - Entry Level 3 - Spelling Tests Functional Skills English Entry Level 1 Resource Bundle This bundle contains 10 workbooks and 6 PowerPoint lessons that cover the entire specification for Entry Level 1. Functional Skills English Entry Level 2 Resource Bundle The bundle contains 10 workbooks and PowerPoint lessons. Functional Skills English Entry Level 3 Resource Bundle This bundle contains 9 workbooks and 6 PowerPoint lessons that cover all the components of Entry Level 3. More Entry Level English Resources Entry Level Maths Resources
International Women's Day/ Women's History Month

International Women's Day/ Women's History Month

4 Resources
This bundle contains four PowerPoint presentations about the lives and work of four remarkable women / girls - Queen Elizabeth II, Greta Thunberg, Anne Frank and Rosa Parks. It is an ideal resource for International Women’s Day / Women’s History Month. Queen Elizabeth ll This resource contains a fully editable, informative, 120-slide PowerPoint presentation on Queen Elizabeth II. In 2022, Queen Elizabeth II will become the first British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, celebrating seventy years of service. She became Queen on 6th February 1952 when she was just 25 years old. This presentation looks at the life and work of the Queen. Greta Thunberg This is an editable, 100 -slide presentation on Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish climate activist who inspired an international youth movement for urgent action on climate change. The presentation tells Greta’s inspirational story and includes links to some of her inspirational speeches. Anne Frank This is a 65-slide presentation on Anne Frank. The PowerPoint focuses on: Anne’s background - family The persecution of Jews The Annex in which Anne’s family hid for 761 days Anne’s diary Extracts from Anne’s Diary The family’s arrest and deportation to concentration camps What happened to Anne and her and her family Anne’s legacy - her diary The presentation contains hyperlinks to: An explanation of anti Semitism How Jews were persecuted in Germany before World War II Several recitations of her diary extracts (with images) The ten most frequently asked questions about Anne (answered) The story of Anne Frank Rosa Parks This resource contains a fully editable, 65 slide PowerPoint presentation on the life of Rosa Parks, the famous civil rights activist who refused to give up her seat to a white person on the Montgomery bus. This was the catalyst for the Montgomery Bus Boycott and subsequent civil rights campaigns that eventually led to major civil rights reforms for African -Americans in the United States. It is an ideal resource for Black History Month (African-American Month) that falls in October in the UK (February in the USA) and for Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day. This resource will help students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development by learning about the history and heritage of communities and the lives of those that overcame the challenges they faced. The PowerPoint focuses on: Her parents and family Her schooling and education Her refusal to give up her seat to a white person on the Montgomery bus Her arrest and its significance on civil rights movement/legislation Her civil rights activities Her awards and tributes The PowerPoint contains hyperlinks to Rosa receiving the Congressional Medal from President Clinton, a short video on her life and achievements. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. You may also be interested in : International Women’s Day This resource contains an informative and editable 70-slide PowerPoint presentation on International Women’s Day. It is an ideal resource for International Women’s Day / Women’s History Month. The PowerPoint focuses on: The origins of International Women’s Day The Suffragette Movement and key players - Clara Zetkin, Emmeline Pankhurst, Emily Wilding Davison and Millicent Fawcett Inspiring women and girls - Anne Frank, Florence Nightingale, J.K. Rowling, Rosa Parks, Mother Theresa, Harriet Tubman, Amelia Earhart, Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace, Elizabeth Blackwell, Mary Seacole, Dorothy Hughes, Billie Jean King, Mae Jemison, Malala Yousafzai, Agnes Baden-Powell and Greta Thunberg. World Economic Forum and the Gender Equality Gap The United Nations Women’s International Day theme Men supporters of gender equality The presentation also includes numerous links to videos about International Women’s Day and and the contributions and achievements of individual people and groups of people. More Assemblies/Presentations
tion suffix worksheets

tion suffix worksheets

This resource contains two worksheets on words ending in the suffix -tion. You may also be interested in: Set of 33 Worksheets / Workbook - Words Ending in -tion This resource focuses on words ending in -tion. (English programmes of study: Years 1-3. Endings which sound like /ʃən/, spelt –tion) The resource contains 33 differentiated worksheets on words ending in -tion. Tasks include finding the missing -tion words, constructing sentences, word searches, anagrams spelling practice sheets and worksheets to stretch and challenge more able pupils. All tasks and worksheets are to encourage the identification and correct spelling of these words. PowerPoint Lesson - Words Ending in -tion This is a fully editable, 100 slide PowerPoint lesson on words ending in -tion. The PowerPoint includes: reading -tion words - they include all the words suggested in the new National Curriculum - station, action, etc. Additional -tion words have been added eg punctuation, fraction, addition, education. spelling of the words by ‘chunking’. The PowerPoint visually demonstrates how to do this. The pupils are challenged to spell -tion words not previously covered. finding as many -tion words as possible in a timed exercise. identifying the missing letters from -tion words. an anagram challenge of some of the -tion words. Save money by purchasing both resources together at a discounted rate PowerPoint Lesson and Set of 33 Worksheets - Words Ending in -tion More Free English Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
David Attenborough Presentation

David Attenborough Presentation

This resource contains a short presentation on Sir David Attenborough. You may also be interested in: David Attenborough 85 Slide Presentation This is a fully editable and informative 90-slide PowerPoint presentation on Sir David Attenboroughs life and achievements. The PowerPoint focuses on: • His birthdate, birthplace and parentage • His family – siblings and children • His education • His interests • His position in the BBC as BBC 2 Controller and Director of Programmes • His wildlife and natural science programmes • His favourite and most memorable moments in filming and producing programmes • Plants and animals named after David • Some interesting facts about him • His major achievements • His patronage of Charities and organisations • His commentary on Adele – the singer There are several hyperlinks in the PowerPoint to short clips of his documentaries including Zoo Quest, the lyrebird, the bird of paradise, the penguins, the whale, the lost tribe, the lyre bird, the gorillas of Rwanda and his commentary on Adele. For more inspiring educational resources visit Inspire and Educate Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
June Assembly

June Assembly

This is a short presentation on the month of June. You may also be interested in: June - 95 Slide Presentation Never be stuck for an assembly in June again! Ideal if you have a ‘last minute’ assembly, or unexpected ‘tutor group time’! This resource is an interesting, informative and fully editable 95-slide PowerPoint on the month of June. It could be used for a one-off assembly, series of assemblies or for lessons / tutor based activities. The presentation focuses on: How June got its name June Folklore Special Days in June Notable Birthdays Inventions, Discoveries and Launches Notable Events and Happenings The presentation also contains an hyperlink to Churchill’s finest hour speech. More Month of the Year Assemblies Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
July Assemblies

July Assemblies

4 Resources
This bundle contains four, fully editable July Powerpoint presentations. Canada Day This is an interesting 30-slide PowerPoint presentation on Canada Day (formerly Dominion Day) which takes place on the 1st of July. The PowerPoint contains a number of hyperlinks to Canada Day celebrations and events. July Presentation This presentation focuses on special days, feast days, campaign days, notable birthdays, inventions, discoveries, launches, notable events and happenings. The resource also contains hyperlinks to areas of interest. American Independence Day This resource contains an interesting and informative 45-slide PowerPoint presentation on the United States Independence Day which takes place on the fourth of July. It focuses on: the key events leading to the Revolutionary War the Stamp Act and The Tea Act the Boston Tea Party the setting up of Congress the Revolutionary War the United States of America Flag the Declaration of Independence the Statue of Liberty Independence Day celebrations The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to several videos about Independence Day (history of the American Independence Day, Independence Day celebrations - parades and firework displays - and a link to the United States national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner, sung at the White House’s Fourth July celebrations. Bastille Day This is a fully editable and informative 60-slide PowerPoint presentation about Bastille Day which takes place on the 14th of July. The presentation focuses on the causes of the French Revolution, the key events of the French Revolution, King Louis XVI, the Three Estates, the French flag, the French National Anthem, the establishment of Bastille Day and Bastille Day celebrations. The PowerPoint contains three hyperlinks to the French National anthem, an animated video of the history of Bastille Day and the French Revolution and Bastille Day celebrations in Paris. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. You may also be interested in: Twenty Assemblies / Presentations - Just £19.99 This resource contains a variety of PowerPoint presentations suitable for assemblies throughout the year. Never be short of an assembly again! Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
July Assembly

July Assembly

This resource contains a fully editable and informative 90-slide PowerPoint presentation on the month of July. Never be stuck for an assembly in July again! It is an ideal for last minute assemblies or unexpected tutor group time! It could be used for a one-off assembly or series of assemblies/lessons/tutor based activities. The PowerPoint focuses on: How July got its name, things associated with July – flowers, Zodiac signs, birthstone, July quotes July Folklore - Saint Swithin’s Day Special Days - Dharma Day, Whitstable Oyster Festival, Swan Upping, Reek Sunday, Kilburn Feast, Canada Day, Tour de France, American Independence Day, Tynwald Day, World Population Day, Orange Men’s Day, Bastille Day, Pi Approximation Day, Saint Christopher’s Day, Saint James the Great Day Notable Birthdays - Gerald Ford, Princess Diana, Carl Lewis, Thomas Cranmer, Tom Cruise, Lhamo Thondup, the Dalai Lama, Marc Chagall, Ringo Starr, Giorgio Armani, Julius Caesar, Rembrandt Van Rijn, Nelson Mandela, Brian May, Alexander the Great, Edmund Hillary, Ernest Hemingway, Robin Williams, Daniel Radcliffe, Amelia Earhart, George Bernard Shaw, Carl Jung, Mick Jagger, Beatrix Potter, Emily Bronte, Henry Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Joanne K Rowling Inventions, Discoveries, Launches - Sony Walkman, steam engine patented, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Salvation Army set up, Thomas Cook’s first package excursion, first BBC news broadcast, opening of Shard, first Wimbledon Tennis Championships, first parking meter in England installed, Big Ben chimed for 1st time, first FIFA World Cup, Dunlop patented pneumatic tyre Notable Events and Happenings - Battle of Somme, Dolly the sheep born, Anne Frank went into hiding, Richard I and Richard III became King of England, Thomas More executed, Johnny Weissmuller’s 100 m swim record, Rolling Stones first concert, first Live Aid concert, Rosetta Stone found, Twitter launched, first nuclear bomb test, Disneyland in California opened, Nadia Comaneci first person to score perfect 10 in gymnastics, Armstrong’s walk on Moon, Temple of Artemis in Ephesus destroyed, world’s lowest temperature recorded, Wiley Post first person to solo fly round world, Presley’s debut The resource contains hyperlinks to Whitstable Oyster Festival, Swan Upping, Reek Sunday, Battle of Somme, Carl Lewis’ races, Tynwald Day, Big Ben chiming, real-time population data, Live Aid concert, first nuclear bomb test, Nadia Comaneci’s perfect 10 performance, Neil Armstrong’s walk on Moon More Months of the Year Presentations Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
August Assembly

August Assembly

Give your pupils something to think about during the summer with this assembly on the month of August. This is an informative and fully editable 115-slide PowerPoint presentation. It could be used for a one-off assembly, series of assemblies or for lessons/tutor activities. The PowerPoint focuses on: How August got its name, things associated with August Special Days - Lammas Festival, Coracle Regatta, Ramadan, Notting Hill Carnival, Marhamchurch Revel, Plague Sunday Service, Edinburgh International Festival, Festival Fringe, Reading Festival, Glenn Miller Festival, rush-bearing, National Eisteddfod, Burry Man’s Parade, Yorkshire Day, St Oswald’s Day, Glorious Twelfth, Left Handers Day’, Summer Olympics, Assumption Day, VJ Day Notable Birthdays – Claudius, Shelley, Obama, Queen Mother, Neil Armstrong, Federer, Dustin Hoffman, Whitney Houston, Alex Haley, George IV, Pete Sampras, Alfred Hitchcock, Castro, Bonaparte, Walter Scott, Ben Affleck, James Cameron, Madonna, Robert De Niro, Swayze, Virginia Dare, Robert Redford, Orville Wright, Willie Shoemaker, Clinton, William IV, Bolt, Claude DeBussy, Gene Kelly, Ivan The Terrible, Sean Connery, Mother Teresa, Tolstoy, Michael Jackson, Mary Shelley, Cameron Diaz, Richard Gere Inventions, Discoveries, Launches – oxygen, www launch, Singer sewing machine, T-Rex skeleton, stainless steel, helium, potato chips, Galileo’s telescope, turbojet aircraft, Pepsi-Cola name Notable Events and Happenings - New London Bridge opened, Anne Frank final diary entry, Gulf War, Columbus, World War I, first woman to swim Channel, Houdini’s underwater stunt, bombing of Hiroshima, Chimney Sweeps Act, Great Train Robbery, Tower of Pisa, Sistine Chapel opened, Jesse Owens 4 Olympic medals, Louvre Museum opened, Magellan set sail round the world, Alcatraz prison opened, Model T Ford on sale, Berlin Wall built, Pakistan formed, Mayflower set sail, Panama Canal opened, Kittinger’s skydive, Presley died, National Fire Service set up, Hồ Chí Minh took power, Gorbachev removed by coup, Mona Lisa stolen, Battle of Bosworth, East and West Germany unite, Vesuvius erupted, Amelia Earhart’s flight, Schumacher’s Formula 1 s Chichester’s sail round the world, Luther’s I have a Dream speech, Spitz 7 Olympic gold medals, Atahuallpa executed, Princess Diana died. The resource also contains hyperlinks to Burns song The Rigs O’ Barley, Coracle Regatta, Edinburgh International Festival, Festival Fringe, Glenn Miller’s In the Mood, Armstrong’s walk on moon, Jesse Owens, Kittinger’s sky dive, Bolt’s sprints, DeBussy’s Clair de Lune, Gene Kelly’s Singin’ in the Rain, I have a Dream speech More Months of the Year Presentations
American Independence Day Puzzle Pack

American Independence Day Puzzle Pack

This American Independence Day puzzle pack contains a set of nine differentiated word searches, anagrams and crosswords with answer keys on words and vocabulary about American Independence Day which takes place on the fourth July. There are three word searches, four anagram puzzles and two crosswords. Please note that the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself. The resource can be found in the zip file when you download it. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. You may also be interested in: American Independence Day Presentation This editable, 50-slide presentation includes: the key events leading to the Revolutionary War the Stamp Act and The Tea Act the Boston Tea Party the setting up of Congress the Revolutionary War the United States of America Flag the Declaration of Independence the Statue of Liberty Independence Day celebrations The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to a short video on the history of Independence Day, Independence Day parades and firework displays and the United States national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner. American Independence Day Quiz This is a 36-question PowerPoint Quiz on American Independence Day. Save money and buy both resources at a discounted rate: American Independence Day - Presentation and Quiz Twenty Assemblies / Presentations - Just £19.99 This resource contains a variety of PowerPoint presentations suitable for assemblies throughout the year. Never be short of an assembly again! Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
The Indefinite Articles - 'a' and 'an' Worksheets

The Indefinite Articles - 'a' and 'an' Worksheets

This resource contains a set of 12 worksheets (with answers) on the indefinite articles/determiners 'a and 'an' including exception to the rule words. Tasks include: 1. Choosing 'a' or 'an' at word level. 2. Choosing 'a' or 'an' at sentence level. 3. Composing sentences containing 'a' or 'an'. You may also be interested in: PowerPoint Lesson on 'a' or 'an' Including Exception To The Rule Words This is a fully editable, 100 slide PowerPoint lesson on how and when to use the articles 'a' or 'an'. It includes the basic rules and also addresses the exceptions - heir, honour, hour, unicorn, one etc. The PowerPoint includes: Explanations and rules Examples Opportunities for pupils to decide which article is needed PowerPoint Lesson on 'a' or 'an' Writing Frame - 'a' or 'an' This resource contains a set of ten writing frames to reinforce the correct use of the article 'a' or 'an' before a word. In addition to helping pupils to choose the correct article 'a' or 'an', it is a particularly useful resource for students who struggle to master the basics of writing. It provides a framework and scaffolding for pupils to achieve some success in creating sentences independently. More English Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
David Attenborough

David Attenborough

On 8th May 2022 Sir David Attenborough, renowned naturalist and prolific wild life programme producer and presenter, celebrated his 96th birthday. David has captivated, enchanted and charmed people for 70 years with his dulcet tones and unique presentational skills to become a popular, respected and much-loved personality. He is still working - a truly inspirational person! This resource is an informative, fully editable, 90 slide PowerPoint presentation on David’s life and achievements. It is an ideal resource for Biology Week and Earth Day. This resource focuses on: His birthdate, birthplace and parentage His family – siblings and children His education His interests His career His wildlife and natural science programmes His favourite and most memorable moments in filming and producing programmes The risks David has taken – abseiling down a tree in the rain-forest, being attacked by military ants in Africa Plants and animals named after David Interesting facts His major achievements – BAFTA, knighthood His patronage of Charities and organisations His commentary on Adele – the singer There are several hyperlinks in the PowerPoint to short clips of his documentaries including Zoo Quest, the lyrebird, the bird of paradise, the penguins, the whale, the lost tribe, the lyre bird, the gorillas of Rwanda and his commentary on Adele. A slightly shorter, simple text version of this presentation, more suitable for younger/ SEN pupils is also available: David Attenborough Simple Text Presentation Please note that the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide